Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well, a month has flown by and, alas, I have not been taking pictures of the progress around the house and yard. So much for before and after shots! Because of the voluminous rain we had this winter, our foxtails grew up faster, thicker and higher than I remember in a very long time. Having not one, nor two, but THREE dogs now, these are so very dangerous for us to be cultivating around here! So, hubby and the children spent many hours pulling a yard full of these weedy invaders and disposing of them. Trust me in this: a desert-dwellers backyard of simple brown dirt is much more appealing to the heart (& budget, considering Vet bills) than even the beautiful spring green, that those foxtails had to offer, if it endangers your beloved pets.
Bunkbed to Garden Bed
As I was trying to figure out just what it means to garden over this last month, I had an idea involving bunkbeds! Last fall, my husband and teen boys took down and apart their triple bunks which he had made for them as youngsters and just parked them outside on the back wall of the house. I had thought they'd make a great addition to my friend's cabin in the mountains, but my hubby was weary of the triple bunk height/liability. After all, we do live in California, the nation's liability lawsuit leader. So, they sat there idle through the winter rains and snows. And, as I was perusing the web looking for gardening tips, I spotted much on raised bed gardening and square foot gardening and looked upon those 3 bunkbed bases with new hopes for what may become their new purpose in life. They are not cats, but we're sure to get another life or two (dare I mention future firewood) out of them. Mentioning it to my hubby was all it took! He and the boys plopped some old paint cans (yeah, yeah desert rat hick and all that) out on the ground as mini pedestals, laid a former bunkbed down on top and Voila! Instant transformation from bunkbed to garden bed!
Our Shining Star Bean Sprout!
Now, our seedlings have not gotten off to the roaring start that we'd hoped for, but, after all, we are newbies to the max and have much to learn. Our spinach took off beautifully, but an illness for my daughter and oral surgery for me came along and distracted us! We missed a day, maybe two, max, and poof! our sweet sprouts wilted into nothingness in the desert sun coming through the windows. SAD! Then, there was the day that Hunter, our petite 35 pound tri-pod black Lab, decided she needed to try and eat the mailman through her boy's bedroom window. Yep, you guessed it! Garden galore, all over the desk and floor!! Poor boy was so disappointed because, while he balked at us invading his space with our gardening venture, he had taken ownership (just as I'd hoped he would) of the plants in his room. Because, of course AS WE ALL KNOW, little sisters are not allowed in big brother's bedroom, even if it is to water her own garden. Soooooo, it became his garden. And, he did pretty good with it and was seeing life sprout before his eyes as he sat at his desk daily doing his schoolwork. But, ahead we forge. We have continued to water. WE are hoping for a REVIVAL IN THE LAND ;)

Playing at the Dog Park
On another topic, at the beginning of April, I joined this challenge by to get our children to spend 30 minutes a day outside. Well, for my little one, I think I needed an opposite challenge, wink wink! The weather never really affects whether or not she wants to go out and play, but this month's weather was so very beautiful that I had a hard time keeping her in at all! I nearly had to beg her to come in and take care of her critter responsibilities (rabbit, chinchilla, guinea pig x3, and one sweet rat) or do some school, or clean her room (which I still can't figure out how it gets into such disarray when she currently resides OUTSIDE!) And, more often than not, she would slip right back outside, drawn to the warmth of the sun and frolic of the wild birds or domestic dogs, before completing her task.
Our Precious Princess has captured many wild little birdies this past month! Thankfully, we have been able to convince her that they are better off being observed for a little while and then set free to enjoy life as God has planned for them. She took this picture herself, I just love the way he's peeking at her!